
Friday, 26 July 2019

how p2 get to school

today for strand math we have been learning  about station how do people in p.o.t 2 get to school? we did a tally chart then a bar graph.we had to think about what we came to school in  which was ether car walk scooter or bus .Most of us take the car  2 people walk 4 people scooter and 0 people bike and walk.I take the car even though i live like 50 seconds  away.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Keahs digital math book

for math my math class and I had to make a digital math book and put all of or stuff on it unfortunately i didn't finish it  but that's fine because we mite do some more on it next term I found it hard to work out all of the stuff i found it easy to find what i wanted to get and work it out just so you know its not done so there are un finished stuff on it.

chalkboard wall Digi awards

for Digi awards me and my group disided to do a chalkboard wall it was basically the art wall but not with art and with words my group was Ayla and Joslyne io was really fun and i loved it so much i found it hard to do it alown because on day i was alone Joslyen and Ayla were sick i found it easy to do all the anamason and making the people.

My pepeha

for a few days we have been doing are pepeha i think it was kinda fun but boring at the same time i found it hard to figer out what i wanted the picture to be i found it easy to think of what i wanted to do but it was fun and i would maybe do it again.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Matariki stars

today and yesterday my class and  I were making stars we had a cardboard Cecil and string.We had to cut 12 lines in it or how meany you wanted but i just cut 12.I was getting a bit angry because mine wasn't working but then my friend brought it to the teacher and she writ numbers on it for me to follow.When i started to follow it i found it easier i found it hard to do the star at first.This was really fun and i wood do it again.😊