
Friday 29 November 2019

countdown math

for math we had 30 pretend dollars to spend at count down we had to make a meal or just get some snack.I decided to get 3 packs of chips and 2 dips 1 mountain dew and some olives it was really fun to do.I found it easy to find the food i wanted i found it hard to think of what i wanted to get at first.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

cups math

today for math we had to do this thing about cups here are the rules
at first i kept on doing it wrong it was easy to .......i dont know but it was hard to figure out were to put everything.It was fun even tho i didn't understand most of the time.

ladybug thing math

Today i had to work out a ladybug thing it was really easy.The rules were you could only have two in a line down and up and across.I found it hard to do nothing i found it easy to put the lady bugs in is my bug thing.

Thursday 14 November 2019

writing a letter to Toki

today for literacy i had to write a letter to Toki and ask him about his life in the rain forest i ask a few questions like how old he is and stuff like that it was really fun to writ this letter even tho he doesn't excise and its just a video but it was fun.I found it easy to know what to write.

Decision Making Tree

today we had to finish an activity that we did about keeping our self's safe  where in the situation: were its Inappropriate touching, we have been doing this so we know what to do in a situation like this, it is good to learn about it so we know what to do in the situation,I found it easy to think of what you could do, i found it hard to think of the positive and the negative.

Monday 4 November 2019

homeroom time/blue zone

Today we had to make a thing were you basically put a picture in the top row and then put a picture at the bottom ones and say what makes you feel better. The zone we had to do was blue zone it was ok but not that fun I found it hard to find the right picture, I found it easy to know what makes me feel better.

Friday 1 November 2019

Te Reo Maori

today we had to learn Kei hea te and Kei hea a.Kei hea te means where is the and Kei hea a means where is name.It was ok but there were only a few thing to writ down i found it hard to know what one of the words meant i found it easy to do the Kei hea a.Here is a picture of mine.