
Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Arts Kete Comics

For the Arts Kete  am doing comics it is the last week we have left to finish them and i'm only on the first page.My comic is about a superhero who saves her friend from her brother.The name off my person is Nightmare I didn't have any names for her and I thought it would be call to just call her that.Her friends name is Copper and her Brothers name is Spencer.for me its is hard to draw the peoples faces and sometimes there body's.
I found it hard to draw the faces well drawing the people on the comic.
I found it easy to make the background there in.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

How much sodium is in are food

Today for hur 6 we had to rank some off the food in are teachers pantry from the highest amount of sodium to the least.A teenager needs 1500mg of sodium a day.The highest was Ham and the lowest on the list was yogurt.If they eat too much sea salt crackers,ham,chips,sausages a day it wont be good for them.
I found it hard to think about were to rank everything
I found it easy to mark the answers

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Arts Kete-Comics

For Arts kete I chose to do comics.Today I had to make a comic book on Pixton. Since it was the first one i made it wasn't that good.Next time i want to make sure i make an interesting story.For now my story just has Two people talking.The main character doesn't have a name but her friends name is Razeme. 

i found it hard to find a backround for them to be walking around in.
I found it easy to make the people.

Monday, 8 June 2020

How/when the Europeans came NZ

Today we watched the second part of how the Maori and European came to NZ. This time we watched the video about the Europeans. We found out the first European to come to NZ was Abel Tasman. They arrived in NZ in 1642 and brought Pigs,diseases,rats,and potatoes. Well they were trading with the people off Australia. The Australians gave them muskets which was a name for a gun and that how the musket wars began.The musket war ended in 1830. The Maori out numbered the Pakeha people by 40 to 1. Captain James Cook died while in a fight in Hawaii. Here's a picture of Captain Cook


Today in Hur 3 we had to do a activity about adverbs and verbs.Adverbs give the reader more detail about actions.
For example,Yesterday I walked to the dairy fast
The bird sang a beautiful song
The singer was fabulously good

First we had to circle the adverbs and draw a arrow to the verb it described.At first me and my friends didn't really understand what to do but we got the teacher to help us.We had to do 3 sections off circling the adverbs and verbs.

I found it hard to understand at first
I found it easy to circle the things I had to

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Tangata Whenua

Today we had to do a reading activity about Tangata Whenua.It's about Maori and Moriori and how they came to New Zealand and how they live.It also talks about how they got food and planted seeds. They killed all the native Moa and some other birds for food and lived at the top off New Zealand because it was easier to grow the crops.
Here's a picture off what they sailed on to get to NZ

What sugar can do to you

Today in class we watch a documentary about sugar we found out that 6 is the maximum teaspoons of sugar we should have a day.We looked at natural sugars in fruit and how much more sugar the fruit is in a drink its healthier to eat a whole orange than to have a glass off orange juice.We looked at way that we could avoid eating too much sugar.
Don't drink too much sugar drinks
Don't have a fizzy drink before you eat because then it will make you eat more
Drink water instead off fizzy
here are some bad things that can happen if you eat to much sugar.
Heart disease
liver disease
I hope you remember this next time you eat or drink something with Sugar

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

The Martian Movie

 For hurumanu 3 we are learning about Mars. A few days ago we watched the martian. It's about a guy being stuck on Mars. It is set in 2035. His original crew thought he died, but NASA was surprised to find he was still alive. Then they had to figure out how to rescue him.At the end off the movie he was saved by the crew when something happened to his rocket.He had to cut a hole in his space suit and get propelled threw the ear to get to his crew mate who couldn't make it all the way out to get him.