
Thursday, 30 July 2020

The new Zealand Gold rush

For hur 1 we have been learning about the gold rush in New Zealand.i dont know much about the gols Rush i just know it was in the late 1800.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

The Six Photos

for hur 1 we have been learning about 6 photos. The photos are called Family of T.W Ferry, Maori at Parihaka,Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee,,Irini Kemara, Maori farm at Winiata Taihape and Kitchen Interior.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Growth vs Fixed Mindset

For Wga we have been learning about fixed and growth mindset.
A fixed mindset is when you think your not good at something and you cant ever get better at it.A growth mindset is when you think there is still so much you can learn and when you do something and you don't succeed you keep on trying and saying you can do it.

For example say you not good at swimming you will say your not good at swimming yet and a fixed mindset say I'm not good a swimming and I will never be.
To be a growth mindset you have to think that you can achieve you're goal if your reaching for it. 

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Why study History

For Hurmanu 1 we have been Learning stuff about history.Three main Historic events that happened in New Zealand are The Musket wars, Matariki and Te Titri o Waitagi. I don't know anything about my history and who would have fought in the war if they did. Here are three more recent events that happened in New Zealand....... Corona Virus, Mosque Attack and White island volcano eruption. We are listening to chapters from Gavin bishop's book 'Piano Rock'. He says he values his heritage because.."Mum's dad was Tainui, from waikato. It's enormously important and it's been a source of inspiration and ideas, thinking about what life must have been like for my grandfather and his siblings"

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Arts Kete Final

For the last day off Arts Kete I finally finished my comic.I still do need to colour but its fine because I got the outline down and some off it coloured.I really like mine but I do think if I had a little bit more time I would off got it coloured a bit more.I loved drawing my people it was so much fun until I had to draw the brother I cant draw guys so he doesn't look that good but I tried.I think next time I would change how much time I spent on one page it took me about a week to finish one. Here's a picture off my comic its not that good but there.