For Hur 2 my class and I have been writing story's about an invention that we made up. My story is about a girl who has been wanting to create something but doesn't know what to make until one day she had an idea on what to make.I had fun writing this story because I really like free writing so I can get creative.
The Finder By Keah
Once upon a time there was a girl who created The Finder. It can find anything you want. Now that I’ve told you about The Finder,Let’s get on with the story.
Once upon a time there lived a girl named Anna Beast-Bakey. She wanted to be an inventor but didn’t know what to make,so she searched the internet on what was already made. She came up with a few ideas but they had already been made. She had to think of something that had not been made and it had to be at least a little bit useful.
She sat at her invention desk thinking of ideas until her mum called out but she didn’t hear her. So her mum called out again but much louder.
“Anna dinners ready.”
Anna jumped out of her chair and ran down to the kitchen, nearly tripping over her own feet. Once she got down to the kitchen her food was waiting looking delicious. Once she finished her food she had an idea on what she wanted to make.
“I’ve got it
Her parents looked at her wondering what she meant but before they could ask she was running up to her room and writing down her ideas.
The Next Day: Once Anna woke up she ran to her invention desk and looked around to see if she had the things to make her invention. Anna couldn't find one thing she needed, so she asked her mum if they could go get it.
“Mum can we go to the shop? I need to get something.”
“Sure, Sweetie.”
Anna got changed into her outfit for the day and walked over to the car. Her mum was already there, so her mum started the car and they left.
Once they got back Anna went to her room and started on the finder, one of the best inventions she had thought of. She got everything and got comfortable.
At first she got it wrong because she put a piece of wire in the wrong place which was a mistake because she wasn't paying attention. On her second try she had learnt form her mistakes and did it right but the battery was dead. And she didn't know how that occurred. However once she changed it she was finally ready.
When Anna was done she took the finder for a test run. She had a remote where you could type what you want it to find. Anna started by making it find a hair tie. Once it brought it back she had a face of joy.
“Omg it works.” she said with a happy voice.
That night she went to sleep happy and joyful. She had a great sleep that night
When she woke she ran to the finder to make sure it still worked. Anna told her friends about it and they told other people. Sooner than later she had people asking her for one. She felt happy people wanted her invention.
Once she got home she was happy and felt she could make more and sell them for money,maybe even start a business! But that was to big of a dream she thought .
“I will stick with giving them to my friends.”
The End
Anna The FInder