
Thursday 5 December 2019

fake news/websites

for cybersmart we have been learning about fake news most people in life get scam by places that are not real.Most time you see fake stuff is in movies or tv shows when they use fake food other times is websites just like when are teachers had look at i site about tree octopus some of us thought it was real at first but then are teacher told us that it was fake.Ways to know if a website is fake or is there to scam you is if they dont have the https,the lock thing and if it has a warning thing near the top.Ways to know if a email that you got is fake is if the person says dear friend or if it sounds to good to be true.The funny thing is about if you get an email thats fake it would be funny if they put a random name and said from your friend and you dont have a friend with that name.

is this photo fake here is the tree octopus site: it out

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