For art we have been doing water colour. We started by testing out all the diffrent techniques on a peace of paper and nameing them we had a quizlet that had flash cards for them I didnt use all the techniques but I used most like (Water to colour, Glazing, ETC). The diffrent techniques are DIlution, Layering, Glazing, Water into clolour, Colour into water, Movement, Value, Intensity, Tint.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Art- WaterColour
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Impasto Painting
This term for Art we have been learning about impasto painting. We did an Impasto painting of a sunflower playnt thing we all did diffrent squares. We had to match the paint to the picture so we had to mix it I did ok at the mixing but I didnt get the same colour most of them were a bit to light. I finsished my first one so I started a second but it didnt really finish it. Heres my piece.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
My Lockdown 21
For Hurmanu 2 we were working on a work sheet about covid and how the goverment handled it we had to find base words, suffix and prefix in the story thing. After we finished that we had to write 5 sentences of how our lockdown was I only writ 3 because I havent done much that was fun. heres what we did.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
For Hurmanu 2 we have been learning about the Olympics today we learnt about Lisa Carrington. Lisa Carrington is a NZ 5 time gold medallist for the Olympics 2020. She won her first gold medal with the pair canoe sprint on the 4th of August and her second alone for the canoe sprint solo on 4th August. Lisa is an ambassador for New Zealand Athlete ambassador for beef and lamb NZ and Southern Cross society. Lisa has become one of New Zealand most popular and best athletes.
hope you find this information useful.Olympic athletes
For Hurmanu we have been learning about the Olympics. Today I worked with Ayla and Gemeve on the slide show of the Athletes we all did five people. My people where Valerie Adams, Lisa Carrington, Emma Twigg, Lewis Clareburt and David Niyka. We had to put down there sport, Name, Live, Medal, etc It was hard to get all of these so if I couldn't find it then I just put down something else. All together we have 15 Slides of athletes so here's the slide.
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Olympics Fiji Rugby
For Hurumanu 2 we have been learning about the Olympics rugby team Fiji. We learnt that they were meant to be at a training camp for 5 days, but then went into lock down so they haven't seen their family in five months. When they finally got to go they were in a cargo flight with crates of fish on the way to Japan. All of this happening to them helped them form a tight group of people which made a great team. They also made a training room in a garage when they were stuck at the training camp. They won against New Zealand at the final, winning gold for the team.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
For Art we have been doing lino print. We had to make a personal logo for this so I made mine about my cat and her love of food. The lino had to have positive and negative space so the stuff I cut out negative and the stuff I left is positive. I found it hard to cut out the picture onto the lino because theirs a lot of little cuts and I had to cut out the hole background so it took me a bit to do that but I finished. I have finished doing my lino and printing it onto paper I have made five prints onto paper (2 Black, 1 purple, 2 Yellow). The printing part was pretty easy all I had to do was make the ink then roll it on the lino then once I had finished rolling it on I would get a piece of paper and put it on top that then smooth it out with a spoon then get the paper and let it dry. Heres the finished paper.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
For Coding we have been doing Hour of code which is a coding game were you make your own game step by step. I didn't create many but i did make two which were flappy bird and dance party my favorite to make was dance party. Hour of code has alot of diffrent games you can play like there is (Dance Party, Make a flappy game, Code with Anna and Elsa, Learn to code with Crossy road, Etc) all of them are fun but there are still a lot more. Here is a link so you can play.
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Timing reactions
Yesterday in Science we were timing how fast are reactions were to catching the ruler as it fell. From the results we got you can see that when it starts out touching are hands we have a faster reaction then when it starts in the air. I think I got good reactions to catching them because I got some small numbers. I think that when I was catching them I would get better then go back to what I got at the start but it was still fun to see what I got. Here are my result.
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
For Art we have been doing Work about Logos. We had to pick a few logos that we liked and then use those as a helping design for are logo we had to make. It was hard to find logos that I liked but I found a few which I tried to add into mine. Once we had all the logos we had to make an about me and the n take the drawing from that a put it on paper for are designs we had to do two types of logos with the same type of design but just a bit different. After we've done all that mister would print it backwards and we would copy it onto lino. Once we were done with copying it we had to cut it out which is what I'm doing right now. Heres my design so far.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
For science today we were learning about Microscopes and cells. We had to pair up with someone and then go get a slide and then go to a microscope. When I was doing I couldn't see much but I was still try we didn't get really that much but it was still fun.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Logo research
For art we have been learning about logos and positive and negative space. We had to get some logos in black and white and say why we liked them we had to get 6-10 logos of different places or pictures then put them on a doc or a slide then describe them like what type of logo they are.
Matariki is the Maori New Year for all New Zealanders. Some facts about Matariki Is that: Matariki is a cluster not a constellation. You are able to see Matariki In early June Sunrise If you look to the north-east horizon. Matariki is one of the closest star clusters to earth but its still 440 Light years away. Matariki is the Maori name for the pleaides star cluster. Matariki is a special time in New Zealand for everyone.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Taste And Smell
For science this term we have been learning about taste and smell. We had to go in groups and try different types of food. The first week we did Taste and the second we did smell. Are aim was to see if we could guess the food buy the taste of it.
For the smell one we had to block are nose to see if we could guess what fruit it was without smelling it. We had to get our fruit then have one person in the group close there eyes and block there nose and then the other person would pick a fruit and put it in there had then the person trying the fruit would guess what it was and then do it all over again with a different peace of food.
For the taste one all you had to do was close your eyes well the other person puts it in you hand once you put the food in your mouth you were allowed to open your eyes and try and guess my Group did okay with this but we did get a few wrong the easiest one two guess was the orange flavor. Once we had finished doing all the other activities with a group we had to do one by our self we had to try and guess which side of the tongue is Sweet, Sour, Salty and bitter. It was really hard to figure out what part of your tongue was which but i did it in the end.
We had to put baking powder,Salt,Sugar and citric acid. All the taste and smell experiments have been all really fun.
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
For wananga we have been learning about Neuralink. We had to writ a sexy paragraph about it. Before we did we got to watch some videos on YouTube about what it is one of the videos we saw was about a monkey with Neuralink playing ping pong without the control. heres what I wrote.
Neuralink is a chip that has been made to go in the human brain so we can control computers and other technology. If you got the chip you would be able to control computers,cars,ETC. There is a video on YouTube that shows them testing it on a monkey Playing pong on the computer after the monkey had played with the controller they unplugged it. When Neuralink is put into your brain you will be able to control computers without using a mouse or whatever you would just have to think of what you wanted or what you were going to do and you would do it without moving. Say you were playing a game you would be able to move your character around without moving anything. I think Neuralink could be both good and bad for my opinion. I'm more on the bad side but it can still be good. For people who have like a fake leg or arm it would probably be good for them because they could control it better. But for me I wouldn't get it mainly because I work fine and I don't need to get it and if I did I would use the internet way to much and not get anything done
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Pocket Rocket
For Science we were doing Pocket Rocket. To do the pocket rocket you have to have a little container,Baking soda and vinegar. When the Baking soda and the vinegar and when they mixed they made a chemical that made it pop the lid of. To start you need to get the right measurements of vinegar(8ml) and baking soda(1/2 a teaspoon) then you put either one in first and then the other one then you had to quickly close the lid and walk away and see if it worked if it doesn't then you can still do it again without cleaning the container. Gemeve and I were in a group together and our one didn't work very well every time we tried it didn't work but we still had fun.
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
For science we we have been learning about indicator acids and alkali. It was fun seeing all the different thing that happens to the Tea,Turmeric,Cranberry juice and water it was cool what colours they turned
For science we have been learning about Acid and alkali so we put them in test tubs with other liquids
What is Acid:
Its something that can be use in experiments and some types of food and cooking things
What is alkali:
Alkali can be used in science experiments and is in some cleaning product and turns blue when mixed with something
What is an indicator:
It changes things to a different colour when mixed with thing like it turns acid to red and alkali to blue
Describe the 4 indicators we used:
Cranberry juice- red, purple, Drinkable
Tea-hot water to fully use, Drinkable
Turmeric-yellow orange- dissolves in water, but in cooking
Universal indicator- water Drinkable, cook able and eatable
Friday, 9 April 2021
Sports heroes
For hurumanu we have been doing work about sports heroes either local international and national. I had a lot of trouble with think on who I wanted to do but I figured it out. I put down when they were born, net worth and if they had children. I don't really know much about sport but I did my best in what I knew. I liked doing this because I got to learn a bit about the sports players. Here is what I did.
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Only For The Rich
for writing we have been writing a story about a world without wheels. My story is about a girl who is on the poor side but is trying to make at least a little bit of her mums dream come true. At first I didn't know what to write but then i came up with an idea that I liked. I liked writing this story because I got to be creative with what I writ. Here's my story.
Only For The Rich
There are two sides to this world the rich or the poor there was no middle, you just had to be either rich or poor. One main thing that had a difference between them was wheels the rich had them and the poor didn't my family is on the poor side so we can't afford many things but I don't care.
One morning when I woke up no one was home. My parents were out walking to the supermarket and using the rest of the money they had.
Parents point of view:
When walking down to the supermarket we can see the carriages going past while we walk.
“I wish I had the money to get that.” I said in my head
Me again:
Once my parents got home they went to their room to go to sleep because they hadn’t got any the night before. That night,I felt bad. Once I was done putting away the food, I went to my room to make something. I knew that my mum wanted a carriage, So I thought of ways to make her dream come true.
The next day I made my way to school and saw a lot of scraps on the ground. I had an idea.
When I got back from school I went over to the scraps and took some. I went home and got my paint and paper out. You see the thing is I don't have the stuff to make a carriage and I never will so I got a few things that were of one and stuck them on the painting. I realised that I got a piece of the wheel which is the part that made them expensive and hard to get. I hate it that the world had to be divided.
On the day of my mum's birthday I wrapped her present with the most pretty wrapping paper ever and ran to her room and placed it onto her bedside table for when she woke up.
While my parents were asleep I went to my room and got ready for school. My mum woke up a few seconds later and I could hear her opening her present up. A few minutes later she ran to my room and gave me a hug and said that it's one of the best presents she ever had.
While walking to school I started feeling tired but I just walked it off and kept going. While I was at school it was getting worse and I felt like I was sick so I went to the nurses office and they sent me home. When I was at home I just went to sleep because I was so tired.
The End
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Jelly Babies Osmosis
Gummy Babies Osmosis
Keah’s Hypothesis:
I think they will loose there colour and they will grow bigger
I think the salt solution and the water solution is going going to grow less than the others and and that the sugar solution will grow more than the others
Gemeve’s Hypothesis:
I think that one of them will grow bigger and one of the them will lose its colour on of them was all ready starting to lose there colours and allWhat happened:
The water one grew the most and the salt one that grew less they had lost there colour and the water ones split in half
We think the water one split in half because it had absorbed all te water and got to a certain point were it just split.
Water:biggest lost most colour split in half
Sugar:Medium lost a bit of colour
Salt:smallest didn’t do mush and only really lost colour
Monday, 22 March 2021
The Finder
For Hur 2 my class and I have been writing story's about an invention that we made up. My story is about a girl who has been wanting to create something but doesn't know what to make until one day she had an idea on what to make.I had fun writing this story because I really like free writing so I can get creative.
The Finder By Keah
Once upon a time there was a girl who created The Finder. It can find anything you want. Now that I’ve told you about The Finder,Let’s get on with the story.
Once upon a time there lived a girl named Anna Beast-Bakey. She wanted to be an inventor but didn’t know what to make,so she searched the internet on what was already made. She came up with a few ideas but they had already been made. She had to think of something that had not been made and it had to be at least a little bit useful.
She sat at her invention desk thinking of ideas until her mum called out but she didn’t hear her. So her mum called out again but much louder.
“Anna dinners ready.”
Anna jumped out of her chair and ran down to the kitchen, nearly tripping over her own feet. Once she got down to the kitchen her food was waiting looking delicious. Once she finished her food she had an idea on what she wanted to make.
“I’ve got it
Her parents looked at her wondering what she meant but before they could ask she was running up to her room and writing down her ideas.
The Next Day: Once Anna woke up she ran to her invention desk and looked around to see if she had the things to make her invention. Anna couldn't find one thing she needed, so she asked her mum if they could go get it.
“Mum can we go to the shop? I need to get something.”
“Sure, Sweetie.”
Anna got changed into her outfit for the day and walked over to the car. Her mum was already there, so her mum started the car and they left.
Once they got back Anna went to her room and started on the finder, one of the best inventions she had thought of. She got everything and got comfortable.
At first she got it wrong because she put a piece of wire in the wrong place which was a mistake because she wasn't paying attention. On her second try she had learnt form her mistakes and did it right but the battery was dead. And she didn't know how that occurred. However once she changed it she was finally ready.
When Anna was done she took the finder for a test run. She had a remote where you could type what you want it to find. Anna started by making it find a hair tie. Once it brought it back she had a face of joy.
“Omg it works.” she said with a happy voice.
That night she went to sleep happy and joyful. She had a great sleep that night
When she woke she ran to the finder to make sure it still worked. Anna told her friends about it and they told other people. Sooner than later she had people asking her for one. She felt happy people wanted her invention.
Once she got home she was happy and felt she could make more and sell them for money,maybe even start a business! But that was to big of a dream she thought .
“I will stick with giving them to my friends.”
The End
Anna The FInder
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Skittle Experiment
Yesterday for science we were doing an experiment with skittles. What you had to do was you filed up a container with hot water and then get 4 or 5 skittles and put them in and watch the colour fade into the water. I was with Ayla and Gemeve we got some really nice photos of the water when the colour came of the skittles into it. Once the colour was in the water we were allowed to mix it around at first when you mixed it a little bit it looked nice kinda like tie dye but then when you mixed it more it became brown.
Skittle Observations

¾ fill a petri dish with water.
Carefully place 4 differently coloured skittles evenly spaced around the outside of the petri dish.
What things did you notice? Can you make five observations?
The colours faded from the skittles.
the skittles made lines in the water from where the skittle colour faded.
It coloured the water.
the water made the skittles drain the water
The coloured water mixed together and made an ugly colour
Did anything surprise you? What weren’t you expecting to observe?
I wasn’t expecting the colours to stay in their own bubble I thought they would automatically merge with their neighbors boarders and make a mixed colour line where they joined. - Ayla
Not really- Genevemema
What questions arose in your mind as you did this activity?
what colour is more dominant
Why was the lines forming in the water from the skittles- Gemeve
Do you have any ideas about why certain things happened?
What could you do to see if your ideas are correct?
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Today for Hur 1 we were doing work about NZ heroes and how they have changed the world we had to do a work sheet about them.manly NZ heroes that went to war. I had to fill out a doc and answer the questions on it . here are my answers to some of the questions.
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Bunsen Flames
For Science we have been learning about the Bunsen burner. Yesterday we had to investigate which flame on the Bunsen burner is hotter(Safety Flame,Roaring Flame) We had to put water in Becker up to 100 and measure how cold the water was before putting it on the flame and then see how hot it got after 4-5 mins. Mine and my partners safety flame water started at 11 and ended at 50 and our roaring flame stared at 11 and ended at 54. So from what Me and my partner got the roaring flame is hotter.
Evaluate the practicals
It needs to be a fair test because some people might have different things and are struggling
To keep it a fair test we need to have the same things so no one has something better
kinda some people had all there things and some people didn't like me and my partner
make sure everyone has the things they need to do it
What is a Community-I think a community is a (town, neighbourhood,city) It is a place were people can come together and think of new things they might want or ways to make it better,Or they can have some common interest that they all share in common. I'm apart of the Hornby ,Hornby high school, Class TL and Christchurch Community
Where does the word community/etymology come from and what does it mean-
The word community comes from the old French word comunete which comes from the Latin communitas community public spirit. The word community means a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
The word etymology comes from the Greek word etumologia. Etymology is the study of the origin of words and how the meaning of the word has changed over time.
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Today for science we are Learning how to use the Bunsen Burner and writing down Lab safety rules.we are going in groups up to the burners and lighting and testing them we learnt a bit about them yesterday but today we get to light them.It was really fun to light and we got to move around the be safe we had to wear goggles and light the flame far away from us.
Lab Safety:
Goggles on
Hair up
No Eating
No sitting down during a practical
don't leave your experiment alone
if you spill something or something breaks tell the teacher
wear covered shoes
Bags under table or
No running around
Listen to what the teacher says
Don't do any experiments without the teacher