I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
find out who the thief is/math
for math we had to work out who the thief was.We had to find the thief who stole the ginger breed houses we had to work out four questions before we new who it was.On the first question we found that the person was wearing a sweater the second was that its a female so after thos questions i new to cross out the people who weren't wearing a sweater and all the people who weren't female.On the last two question we had to figure out another sentence and after that we new that it was not a visitor and on the fourth i found out who it was i think it is Irena Vicks.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
fake news/websites
for cybersmart we have been learning about fake news most people in life get scam by places that are not real.Most time you see fake stuff is in movies or tv shows when they use fake food other times is websites just like when are teachers had look at i site about tree octopus some of us thought it was real at first but then are teacher told us that it was fake.Ways to know if a website is fake or is there to scam you is if they dont have the https,the lock thing and if it has a warning thing near the top.Ways to know if a email that you got is fake is if the person says dear friend or if it sounds to good to be true.The funny thing is about if you get an email thats fake it would be funny if they put a random name and said from your friend and you dont have a friend with that name.
is this photo fake here is the tree octopus site:https://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/sightings.html:check it out
is this photo fake here is the tree octopus site:https://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/sightings.html:check it out
Monday, 2 December 2019
rounding up decimals to the nearest ten/math
today in math we had to do a work sheet rounding up decimals to the nearest ten i did not like it at all it was really hard i had to go and get help from the teacher after the teacher helped me i still didn't get it that much but its ok because at the end i got it all done i found it hard to do everything i found it easy to writ my name on the peace of paper.
Friday, 29 November 2019
countdown math
for math we had 30 pretend dollars to spend at count down we had to make a meal or just get some snack.I decided to get 3 packs of chips and 2 dips 1 mountain dew and some olives it was really fun to do.I found it easy to find the food i wanted i found it hard to think of what i wanted to get at first.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
cups math
today for math we had to do this thing about cups here are the rules
at first i kept on doing it wrong it was easy to .......i dont know but it was hard to figure out were to put everything.It was fun even tho i didn't understand most of the time.
at first i kept on doing it wrong it was easy to .......i dont know but it was hard to figure out were to put everything.It was fun even tho i didn't understand most of the time.
ladybug thing math
Today i had to work out a ladybug thing it was really easy.The rules were you could only have two in a line down and up and across.I found it hard to do nothing i found it easy to put the lady bugs in place.here is my bug thing.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
writing a letter to Toki
today for literacy i had to write a letter to Toki and ask him about his life in the rain forest i ask a few questions like how old he is and stuff like that it was really fun to writ this letter even tho he doesn't excise and its just a video but it was fun.I found it easy to know what to write.
Decision Making Tree
today we had to finish an activity that we did about keeping our self's safe where in the situation: were its Inappropriate touching, we have been doing this so we know what to do in a situation like this, it is good to learn about it so we know what to do in the situation,I found it easy to think of what you could do, i found it hard to think of the positive and the negative.
Monday, 4 November 2019
homeroom time/blue zone
Today we had to make a thing were you basically put a picture in the top row and then put a picture at the bottom ones and say what makes you feel better. The zone we had to do was blue zone it was ok but not that fun I found it hard to find the right picture, I found it easy to know what makes me feel better.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Te Reo Maori
today we had to learn Kei hea te and Kei hea a.Kei hea te means where is the and Kei hea a means where is name.It was ok but there were only a few thing to writ down i found it hard to know what one of the words meant i found it easy to do the Kei hea a.Here is a picture of mine.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
mister chicken goes to england
for literacy are independent activity was to make some where for mister chicken to stay i picked England because i really want to go there.We had to look up p;laces to stay and what to do there and what there going to eat for lunch dinner and breakfast i found this really fun because i got to look up things about the place i really want to go.
Friday, 30 August 2019
line graph-social Networking
today for strand math we had to do a line graph it was ok but it was a bit boring but it was ok.First we had to draw the dots in then the lines.I found it hard to find where the dots went I found it easy to know where the lines went here is a picture of it.

Thursday, 29 August 2019
Sumo paint
for cybersmart we have been learning to use different sites and not to use a slide we learnt about biteable canva powtoon and sumopanit i going to tell you about sumopaint it is a fun painting app here you can just draw everything you want it can make cool patterns if you put it on symmetry and risible i found this really fun to make because it lets me be creative with what i do i found it hard to figure out what to draw i found it easy to get the shapes and stuff like that i hope you dissed to use sumopaint in the future and here's one I made erlyer.
Friday, 16 August 2019
p.o.t.2 eye colours
today for homeroom time we had to make a chart of ether hair colour favorite sandwich topping favorite ice cream colour and eye colour i picked eye colour and found out 4 people in my class have blue eyes 16 people have brown eyes and 2 other people have other colored eyes i found it hard to do nothing i found it easy to do like everything.
Thursday, 15 August 2019
save pluto
for literacy my group and I had to make a thing that said save Pluto or something
else like that my buddy was Teagen i found this kinda fun i found it hard to agree with the colour i found it easy to think of what we where going to put as the words here it is.
else like that my buddy was Teagen i found this kinda fun i found it hard to agree with the colour i found it easy to think of what we where going to put as the words here it is.
Friday, 9 August 2019
for inquiry we have been learning about fossils and we had to write at less 5 facts about fossils .Miss Williamson had a fossilized shark jaw I thought it was pretty cool so me people didn't like it
I found it easy to decorate.
I found it hard to think of facts.
Here is my drawing
I found it easy to decorate.
I found it hard to think of facts.
Here is my drawing
Thursday, 8 August 2019
a momment in time-landing on the moon
in writing we had to writ about the landing on the moon we have lernt alot about it we had to wsrit the story like we where whaching it or we where him i was writing it like i was waching it with my family i found it hard to think of what wode be hapininhg well wee where whaching it i found it easy to think about what was happenig on the TV and the start of the story.
Friday, 2 August 2019
p.o.t.2 siblings
today for strand maths we have been doing a chart for how many siblings or like if there boy or girl something like that most of us have brothers some of us have sisters and 3 of us are the only kids i have a brother hes annoying anyways I found it hard to make the good lines I found it easy to figer out how many people there were how have brothers or sisters here's my chart.
Friday, 26 July 2019
how p2 get to school
today for strand math we have been learning about station how do people in p.o.t 2 get to school? we did a tally chart then a bar graph.we had to think about what we came to school in which was ether car walk scooter or bus .Most of us take the car 2 people walk 4 people scooter and 0 people bike and walk.I take the car even though i live like 50 seconds away.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Keahs digital math book
for math my math class and I had to make a digital math book and put all of or stuff on it unfortunately i didn't finish it but that's fine because we mite do some more on it next term I found it hard to work out all of the stuff i found it easy to find what i wanted to get and work it out just so you know its not done so there are un finished stuff on it.
chalkboard wall Digi awards
for Digi awards me and my group disided to do a chalkboard wall it was basically the art wall but not with art and with words my group was Ayla and Joslyne io was really fun and i loved it so much i found it hard to do it alown because on day i was alone Joslyen and Ayla were sick i found it easy to do all the anamason and making the people.
My pepeha
for a few days we have been doing are pepeha i think it was kinda fun but boring at the same time i found it hard to figer out what i wanted the picture to be i found it easy to think of what i wanted to do but it was fun and i would maybe do it again.
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Matariki stars
today and yesterday my class and I were making stars we had a cardboard Cecil and string.We had to cut 12 lines in it or how meany you wanted but i just cut 12.I was getting a bit angry because mine wasn't working but then my friend brought it to the teacher and she writ numbers on it for me to follow.When i started to follow it i found it easier i found it hard to do the star at first.This was really fun and i wood do it again.😊
Thursday, 27 June 2019
in inquiry me and my group were doing a parachute that had to hold a Lego man in it or first one we had one off our buddy's cut it i'm not going to name them but they did it was really fun most of the time i did nothing because i had a broken arm apart from that it was fun we didn't get to test or plan out because we change it because of the cutting thing oh and my buddy's were Nirvana Aone and Aliyah i found it easy to make an ideai found it hard to make the design because we didn't get cupcake holders like we pland we code only use plastic bags paper napkin and string.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
paper story
For a few days my literacy class and I were do a story about a video we watched called paper,scissors,rock I picked paper for my story,I found it fun it was really cool to watch the video again because I have all ready watched it I found it easy to decide what one I wanted to write about I found it hard to write what I thought would happen after what happened in the story.
Monday, 24 June 2019
what's in a name
today for math we had to do a working out problem that had names harmony basically did it start away she new most of it which was good i found it really easy i didn't find it that hard i was really fun and here it is😊
Thursday, 20 June 2019
who am I
for a few days in literacy we have been doing who am I I liked doing this because I found it fun. we had to use words like him her they she he and so on.after we finisd it we had to eather draw it or do a google drawing i loved drawing my girl.
I found challenging to find some stuff people didint now about me
I found easy to pick the first 4 sentinses
Here is mine.
I found challenging to find some stuff people didint now about me
I found easy to pick the first 4 sentinses
Here is mine.
What makes me,me/ Identity
for a few day in literacy I have been doing a thing about me and identity I felt weird because I was done before my friends and there usually done before me any way I liked doing this I don't know why but I did.
I found it hard to think about what makes me me I
I found it easy to do the picture of me
😊hope you like it😊
I found it hard to think about what makes me me I
I found it easy to do the picture of me
😊hope you like it😊
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